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What’s The Difference Between A Pram, Buggy, Pushchair, Stroller & Travel System?

Pram, Buggy, Pushchair, Stroller & Travel System

Choosing the right wheels for your little one can be confusing! Terms like pram, buggy, pushchair, and stroller get thrown around, and it’s not always clear what the difference is. This blog will break down each option and introduce the concept of a travel system to help you navigate the world of baby transport.


Prams are designed for newborns and young babies. They feature a spacious carrycot, a comfy bed-like attachment where your baby can lie flat for naps and comfortable journeys. Prams tend to be larger and sturdier than other options, offering a smooth ride for your precious cargo. Many prams can convert to a stroller seat as your baby grows, making them a versatile choice. Babymore’s range of pushchairs and prams can navigate you and your baby through the travel system journey with peace.


– Sturdy frame with large, spoked wheels for stability and smooth rides.

– A spacious, fully reclining seat to accommodate newborns.

– Adjustable hood or canopy to shield the baby from sun or wind.

– Often comes with a storage basket beneath the carriage for essentials.


Buggies are all about convenience. Lightweight and easy to fold, they’re ideal for quick trips, vacations, or errands with older babies who can sit up on their own. Buggies typically have a more upright seat than prams and may not recline as far.


– Compact, foldable design for easy storage and transportation.

– Padded seat with adjustable backrest and safety harness.

– Swivel wheels for manoeuvrability, especially useful in crowded spaces.

– Canopies or sunshades to provide shade for the baby.


Pushchair is a term often used interchangeably with stroller, particularly in British English. Pushchairs generally offer a good balance of features. They may have a reclining seat that can adjust to multiple positions, making them suitable for younger babies who need to lie flat and older ones who prefer to sit up. Pushchairs come in various weights and functionalities, so you can find one that suits your needs.


– Similar to a buggy, with a lightweight and collapsible frame.

– Provides multiple recline positions for the baby’s comfort.

– Larger wheels for better stability and smoother rides.

– Some models come with reversible seats, allowing the baby to face either forward or backward.


Stroller is a broad term for any baby transport on wheels. It can encompass prams, pushchairs, and buggies. When looking at strollers, focus on the specific features like seat adjustability, weight, and foldability to determine if it meets your needs.


– Versatile design suitable for infants and toddlers.

– Lightweight frame with easy folding mechanism.

– Padded seats with adjustable harnesses and recline positions.

– Canopies or sunshades with peek-a-boo windows for parental supervision.

Travel System

A travel system combines a stroller with a detachable car seat. This allows you to easily transfer your sleeping baby from the car to the stroller without disturbing them. Travel systems are a convenient option for parents who frequently go between car rides and walks.


– Includes a stroller frame, a removable infant car seat, and often a car seat base.

– Allows parents to transfer the sleeping baby from car to stroller without waking them.

– Offers convenience and versatility for on-the-go parents.

– Some travel systems can accommodate a toddler seat as the child grows.

Choosing the Right Ride

The best option for you depends on your lifestyle and your baby’s age. Consider how often you’ll be using the stroller, where you’ll be going, and how much storage space you have. For newborns, a pram or a travel system might be ideal. For older and more active babies, a stroller or buggy might be more practical.

Remember, there’s no single “right” answer. The most important thing is to choose a safe and comfortable option that works for you and your little one. Happy rolling!

The Takeaway

Understanding the differences between prams, buggies, pushchairs, strollers, and travel systems can help parents choose the most suitable option for their lifestyle and their baby’s needs. Whether you opt for the classic elegance of a pram, the compact convenience of a buggy, or the versatility of a travel system, rest assured that there’s a perfect ride out there for every parent and baby duo. Babymore’s travel system gives you and your baby the most peaceful journey you could ever wish for.

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