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When to Move Your Baby from Pram to Pushchair: All You Need To Know


As parents, the question of when to transition our little ones from a pram to a pushchair often lingers in our minds. Every baby follows their unique growth path, but fret not – we’ve got some practical guidelines to help you make this pivotal decision. Join us in this blog as we break down the signs, differences between prams and pushchairs, and guide you on choosing the perfect set of wheels for your growing adventurer.

When Can Your Baby Ride in a Pushchair?

Many parents ponder this question, and the answer is straightforward – when they can sit up unaided. Typically around six months, but remember, there’s no exact age; the key is that your baby should have the core strength to sit comfortably.

Also, keep an eye on the age or weight limits of your pram. Prams, designed for newborns, might not be suitable beyond six months due to weight restrictions.

Distinguishing Between Pram and Pushchair:

1. Pram:

   – Design:

Perfect for newborns, prams allow babies to lie flat on their backs, supporting lung and spine development.

   – Position:

Typically rear-facing, creating a comforting bond between parent and baby.

2. Pushchair:

   – Design:

Geared towards older babies and toddlers, often forward-facing for a broader view of the world.

   – Flexibility:

Modern pushchairs may offer adjustable seats for both forward- and rear-facing positions.

3. Convertible Prams:

   – Design:

Some prams convert into pushchairs, serving from birth to the time your baby starts sitting up. Great for longer outings and adaptable with carrycots.

Choosing the Right Pushchair:

1. Size and Weight:

   – Consideration:

Compact and lightweight for easy storage or sturdier and heavier for durability.

   – Usage:

Urban trips favour lightweight models, while rough terrains may call for a more robust frame.

2. Weight and Age Limits:

Be mindful of upper age and weight limits for a prolonged investment or opt for smaller, budget-friendly models for short-term use.

3. Storage Solutions:

   – Consideration:

Ample storage options for those who embark on lengthy walks. Balances with weight and bulk, so decide based on your preferences.

4. Terrain Suitability:

Large wheels for off-road adventures, small wheels for urban manoeuvrability, and specialised running pushchairs for jogging enthusiasts.

Ensuring Safety for Newborns:

1. Lying Flat for Newborns:

   – Recommendation:

Newborns and infants under six months benefit from lying as flat as possible for their safety and well-being.

   – Ideal Options:

Prams, buggies with fully fold-down seats, and travel systems with carrycot attachments are excellent choices.

2. Importance of Lying Flat:

   – Reasoning:

Newborns lack the muscle strength to support their heads, and propping them up can lead to breathing difficulties and stress on their bodies.

   – Benefits:

Lying flat on a firm surface not only aids proper breathing but also supports healthy hip and spine development.

Browsing Your Options:

1. 2-in-1 Systems:

These models include convertible carrycots, perfect for use from birth. Look for added accessories like nappy bags, rain covers, and mosquito nets.

2. 3-in-1 Systems:

These include higher end travel systems including separate carrycots as well as individual seats for pushchairs also. Babymore’s ‘Memore’ range consists of this 3-in-1 travel system and is extremely convenient for your children who are transitioning from a pram to a pushchair.

3. Additional Features:

Explore models offering extra features, such as accessory bundles, enhancing your travel convenience.

The Practical Considerations:

Aside from developmental milestones, practical aspects come into play when deciding when to transition.

1. Weight and Size:

If your baby is approaching the weight or size limit of the pram, it might be time to consider a pushchair that accommodates their growth.

2. Increased Mobility:

When your baby starts expressing eagerness to explore, reaching for things, or showing a keen interest in the outside world, a pushchair provides a more interactive experience.

Transitioning with Comfort:

1. Gradual Introductions:

Ease the transition by introducing the pushchair gradually. Start with short walks and gauge your baby’s comfort level.

2. Comfort Features:

Choose a pushchair with adjustable recline options and ample padding to ensure your baby’s comfort during longer outings.

Transitioning to an Upright Seat:

1. Moving from Pram to Pushchair:

   – Recommendation:

Transition to a pushchair with an upright seat is advised once your baby can sit upright unaided, fully raising and controlling their head.

   – Typical Age:

Around six months is a common milestone for this transition.

2. Shift from Carrycot to Seat Attachment:

For those using travel systems, moving from a carrycot to a buggy seat follows the same principles. Ensure your baby can sit upright and control their head independently.

3. Introduction to a Pushchair:

Move your baby to a pushchair when they can sit upright unaided and fully control their head, ensuring the stroller is suitable for their age.

The Takeaway:

Moving from a pram to a pushchair is a journey shaped by your baby’s unique development. As your little one reaches milestones such as sitting upright and mastering head control, you’ll receive important signals about their readiness. Trust your instincts, make safety a priority, and relish this thrilling phase as your baby embarks on a journey towards exploration and independence.

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