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How To Put Your Baby to Sleep in A Cot? Know It All!


One of the many challenges new parents often face is getting their baby to sleep soundly in a cot. Establishing a safe and comfortable sleep environment is crucial for your baby’s well-being and your own peace of mind. In this guide, we’ll explore valuable insights from experts and reputable sources to help you navigate the journey of transitioning your baby to a cot.

Why Won’t Your Baby Sleep In A cot?

Your baby may not want to sleep in a cot many times. The main reasons they would not want to do that include:

  1. The womb to room transition,
  2. Their closeness to their caregivers,
  3. They are facing self-soothing difficult,
  4. Fear of missing out (FOMO),
  5. Environmental Factors, like warm or cold weather etc, 
  6. Feeding and digestive concerns.
  7. They have sleep association with their parents,

1. Understand Your Baby’s Sleep Needs

Before diving into strategies for getting your baby to sleep in a cot, it’s essential to understand your baby’s sleep patterns and needs. Newborns typically sleep for 14 to 17 hours a day, while infants aged 4-12 months may need around 12 to 16 hours of sleep. Knowing your baby’s natural sleep rhythm can help you establish a suitable bedtime routine and create an environment conducive to restful sleep.

2. Gradual Transition

Experts often recommend a gradual transition when introducing your baby to the cot. Start with short naps in the cot during the day to help your baby become familiar with the new sleeping space. Over time, extend the cot usage to nighttime sleep. This approach allows your baby to adjust slowly, reducing potential resistance to the cot.

3. Create a Comfortable Sleep Environment

Ensuring that the cot is a cosy and safe space is crucial. You can make the cot more inviting by using soft, breathable bedding and placing familiar items like a favourite blanket or stuffed animal, however, make sure these items you place in the cot are hazard-free and are not at risk of causing suffocation. Remove any potential hazards and make sure the mattress is firm to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

4. Develop a Consistent Bedtime Routine

Consistency is key when it comes to establishing healthy sleep habits. A consistent bedtime routine might include activities like a warm bath, gentle lullabies, or a bedtime story. Repetition helps your baby associate these activities with sleep, making the transition to the cot smoother.

In addition to the tips mentioned earlier, encouraging your baby to sleep in a cot involves incorporating another crucial element: a bedtime routine. Over time, your baby will become accustomed to the winding-down period and begin to anticipate sleep, facilitating their ability to sleep in their cot.

A bedtime routine can encompass calming activities for your baby, such as the following:

– A warm bath

– A soothing massage

– Singing or reading

– Quiet play

– Dimming the lights

While occasional disruptions to your baby’s schedule may occur, such as outings or overnight travel, it is crucial to make an effort to stay close to your baby’s usual bedtime during these instances and resume the routine as soon as possible.

5. Gradual Withdrawal

Some babies may find it challenging to adjust to sleeping alone initially. Babies should be made to learn a gradual withdrawal method where you gradually distance yourself from the cot or cot after putting your baby down. Start by sitting next to the cot and comforting your baby without picking them up. As they become more comfortable, increase the distance until your baby can fall asleep independently.

When to Start and Stop Using a cot? The Cycle!


The Takeaway:

Getting your baby to sleep in a cot is a process that requires patience and consistency. By understanding your baby’s sleep needs, implementing a gradual transition, creating a comfortable sleep environment, developing a consistent bedtime routine, and using gradual withdrawal techniques, you can make the cot a peaceful and secure place for your little one. Remember, each baby is unique, so be flexible and attentive to your baby’s cues as you work toward establishing healthy sleep habits.

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