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The postpartum period also known as the “fourth trimester” is a crucial time for new mothers. It is the time to focus on healing, recovery and bonding with the new baby. It’s a unique and individual experience for every mother. Still there are some general tips that can help you experience a smooth, comfortable transition into motherhood.

What Changes To Expect After Birth & How To Deal With Them

Pregnancy transforms the body of a female in numerous and surprising ways. This journey of change doesn’t end with childbirth. Whether you have a vaginal delivery or a caesarean section, your body goes through alot. A woman goes through many physical and emotional changes even after giving birth. 

1. Perineum Soreness:

Perineum is the area between your vagina and anus. It is the area that often experiences significant strain during vaginal birth, leading to tears. In some cases your doctor might make a small cut in this area, called an episiotomy, to aid in delivery. With or without these, this area feels sore and swollen after delivery for several weeks.

2. Breasts And Nipple Soreness:

Initially your breasts will produce a yellowish liquid, called colostrum, for your baby. After 3 to 4 days they will start producing milk and become tender. It is common to experience breasts and nipple soreness after giving birth. Sometimes the discomfort is due to breast engorgement, caused by overfilling of breast with milk. It can also happen if your baby is not latching properly.

3. Vaginal Bleeding And Discharge:

After delivery there is postpartum bleeding and discharge, called lochia. It happens after both vaginal deliveries as well as c-sections. It is your body’s way of shedding excess blood and tissue from pregnancy. It is red in colour and heavier in the first few days and gradually becomes brown in colour and decreases in volume. Generally light bleeding or spotting can last up to 6 weeks.

4.  After Pains Or Contractions:

It is common to experience contractions for a few days after giving birth, also known as after pains. They might feel like menstrual cramps. They help reduce bleeding by putting pressure on uterine blood vessels. They are more common during breastfeeding, due to release of oxytocin.

5. Bladder Control:

Pregnancy, labour and vaginal delivery can weaken the pelvic floor muscles. These muscles support the uterus, bladder and rectum. Weakening of these muscles can cause urine leakage while sneezing, laughing or coughing, also known as incontinence. This urine leaking often gets better in a week, but it can also last longer.

6. Hemorrhoids:


Hemorrhoids also known as piles can commonly develop during pregnancy or after giving birth. These are swollen veins in the anus or lower rectum. They can cause pain, bleeding  and itching after bowel movements.

Here is what you can do to relieve symptoms of hemorrhoids:

7. Weight Loss:

It is normal to lose weight after birth. Most women lose around 13 pounds (6kgs) right after giving birth. This includes the weight of the baby, placenta and amniotic fluid. In the following days you might lose more weight due to losing excess fluid from your body.

9. Emotional Or Mood Changes:

Childbirth is a life-changing event that can bring about a mix of emotions. Hormonal fluctuations, sleep deprivation and the challenges of caring for a newborn can all contribute to these emotional or mood changes. 

It is common to experience feelings of anxiety and sadness after giving birth, also known as baby blues or postpartum blues. Its symptoms may include mood swings, crying, anxiety and difficulty sleeping, but these symptoms usually subside within 2 weeks. If these symptoms get severe in intensity and last for a longer time, it can indicate postpartum depression. In this case you should consult your doctor.

Here are a few tips to deal with these emotional changes:

Seek  professional help if : 

Postpartum Red Flags:

If you are experiencing the following symptoms, you should consult with your doctor right away:

Hope this blog was helpful for you!

Remember to be kind, patient and compassionate with yourself during this journey!

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